Chapter 1: Connecting Lake Community Goals with Local Options


A community visioning process should be completed to connect people’s values, desires and concerns with goals to achieve the vision. This process helps your community identify the strategies needed to meet these goals and ensure that lakes and other natural features remain healthy. The resource protection goals must then be documented in the community master plan in order to provide the legal support for zoning regulations that are intended to protect public health, safety, and welfare.

The tools contained in this book will help your municipality reach a variety of goals related to the inland lakes in your community. The following are examples of four different goals that communities may have identified:

1.  Fish/Wildlife Habitat: Improve conditions for the native fish, birds, frogs,
insects, etc. that make up a healthy lake ecosystem

2.  Clean Water: Reduce pollutants (like E. coli, nutrients, or sediment)

3.  Natural/Rural Character: Maintain the natural or rural character of the community

4.  Recreational Opportunities: Improve opportunities for recreation, like swimming, boating, and fishing

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